Enjoy Your Life

you live once

Seconds are units of life, to gain your life, AZsense will accompany you during each one, we will accompany you from your daily activities to critical situations!

What we do ?

Microfluidic Team

The microfluidic team, profiting from microfluidics as an interdisciplinary technology interconnecting fields of mechanics, chemistry and control, makes the architecture of a new platform in order to employ innovative methods instead of conventional laboratory procedures which will result in reduced cost of fabrication, short time of detection, and simplicity of usage. In order to achieve this great goal, the microfluidic team has profited the presence of brilliant students from top national universities, some of whom are now our international links in high-ranking universities around the world.

Electronics Team

The electronics team, Utilizing different update fields of engineering such as Computer, Electronic, Biomedical, Control, and Automation, AI, etc. trying to solve challenges in high demanding health and medical services. Design and manufacturing based on global standards and optimize solutions are our passionate and innovative experts principle in their way to achieving our goals and slogan which is "We care for your health every moment".

Sensing Team

The sensing team is trying to stablish a platform for precise and accurate diagnosis of heart attack biomarkers in the shortest possible detection time by employing individuals familiar with global technologies in the field of biosensors and in vitro point-of-care diagnostic devices. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of biosensor technology, this team has always sought to identify and employ the experts in different fields including biochemistry, analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, laboratory science as well as medical equipment engineering.


Why Azsense ?

Quick diagnosis

Get less than 15 minutes to get the answer

Quick decision

Measure the rate of golden biomarker detection of heart attack

low price

Availability for all segments of the community

Storing and exchanging patient information

Managing patient and community health

Remote patient visit

Preparation of treatment bed with high speed and high impact

No need for patient transfer

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